What's the secret sauce of influence?

Your ability to influence determines how far you will go in your business or career. You know how some people just seem to be able to naturally connect with a wide variety of people and others seem to struggle?

No matter where YOU are on that spectrum, one thing will undoubtedly help you become a better influencer and more effective team member - improving your ability to communicate.

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'The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.'
~Ken Blanchard

At Gener8 Leadership Solutions, we specialize in working with leaders and teams to help them grow and develop their ability to influence and connect. One of the most powerful and flexible tools we use is the DISC behavioral model.

You see, when you understand how to read the clues in others' behavior and communication, you immediately begin to get a better understanding of what they need from you and what buttons to avoid pushing!

The end result? More influence through better communication .

Level up your influence by connecting better with others.

Start using this tool today.

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